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This page will have all of the work I have done in my Senior year.

This is my virtual locker assignment from the beginning of Senior year, it has all of my favorite things on it and says a lot about who I am

Andrew McDowell - Locker.jpg
Andrew McDowell - Locker (1).jpg

This video was from the second marking period and is a stop motion video made mostly from clay, it took a lot of pictures to make the entire thing too!

My driving PSA was a video I made and finished in January that shows the dangers of not paying attention on the road

This is my music video and its story line is about a person trying to find the last Coca-Cola in the world but is chased while doing so

All of these 12 pictures were slogans made for our driving PSA, I hope you enjoy them!

Slogan #1.jpg
SLogan 2.jpg
slogan 3.jpg
slogan 4 j.jpg
Slogan #10j.jpg
slogan 12 jj.jpg
Slogan 6.jpg
Slogan 5.jpg
Slogan #7 (1).jpg
Slogan #8.jpg
Slogan #9.jpg
Square Simple (1).jpg
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